The School of Inner Health

An education in biodynamics

The School of Inner Health is a holistic educational organization focused on professional training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and nervous system dynamics. 

Our mission is to train professional holistic practitioners to orient to the forces of inherent health in themselves and their clients using embodied skills of presence and relationship.

Stones that's been stacked together, and a hand that puts the last piece of stone on top to finish and balance the stones together. Just like having a meditation.

Our Teaching Philosophy:

the biodynamic paradigm

Renowned osteopath James Jealous said, “It’s none of my business how the process of healing is occurring. Our business, and our focus, is to create the conditions for healing to occur and to recognize when they have occurred.”

In the School of Inner Health professional practitioner training courses, our students will develop competence, confidence, and accurate perception and learn to create the conditions for healing. By studying Biodynamics in depth, students will learn to:

  • Recognize and orient to our innate state of Health and Primary Respiration

  • Amplify the body’s intelligence and wisdom

  • Palpate and communicate with different physical layers: bone, fluid, tissue, and nerve and how they communicate with each other

  • Gain intimate knowledge of the craniosacral system’s anatomy and physiology

  • Orient to the energetic rhythms moving through our anatomy

  • Drop below the noise of the mind and become more present 

  • Communicate verbally and non-verbally and develop a new, deeper relationship with the life stories held in our bodies

  • Become practitioners who can recognize whether they are encountering their own material or their client’s material

  • Experience transformational personal growth while gaining vocational skills

  • Explore the intersection of current scientific discoveries and ancient healing modalities


Please visit our COURSES page for our entire curriculum.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training

Nervous System Healing & Regulation

Embodied Presence & Deep Listening

Professional Holistic Practitioner Education

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Training ❧ Nervous System Healing & Regulation ❧ Embodied Presence & Deep Listening ❧ Professional Holistic Practitioner Education ❧

being with babies in the cranial field

A 3-module advanced BCST program for practitioners, focusing on hands-on craniosacral therapy to support infants’ health and development.

Instructor: Emily Martin, BCST Instructor

biodynamic craniosacral therapy certification class of 2027

A 2-year professional program leading to RCST® certification—master gentle touch to support the body's innate healing.

Instructors: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor & Vanessa Lillie, RCST® approved BCTA instructor

exploring the resources in Our Early Journey - an advanced Somatic Process workshop

For Craniosacral Therapists and Somatic practitioners—explore early experiences, deepen perception, and refine your practice in an intimate 4-person setting.

Facilitator: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor

A lady is doing a hands-on training to an old woman lying down in a pink bed with her body covered in a red blanket.
Margaret is showing the class how to meditate and be at peace. The students are closing their eyes while sitting down comfortably in Margaret's workshop office.
Margaret is teaching a class, and the class sat around her on the floor of her beautiful, blue workshop room.
Margaret is doing a demo of shoulder touch as a hands-on work as per the Biodynamic Principles class she has.
Margaret is massaging the head of a student who is lying down that is covered with a soft blanket while two other students are observing behind.
Margaret is teaching the students. The students are comfortably sitting on the floor, while one student is standing up. There's a small pink bed with a blanket and a gray chair in the middle of the workshop room.
Margaret with the class instructors and some students, smiling for a picture!
Margaret sitting down with a very big smile on her face.
Margaret is teaching the students about the Biodynamic Principles course. Some students are sitting down, while others are lying on a bed covered by blankets.
Margaret's class is doing the hands-on training, where some students are lying down and the others are doing the therapeutic touch.
The group of students are having their hands-on training for the Online 1 Day Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy course they joined where some students are lying down, and others are sitting down listening to Margaret.
A student of Margaret is lying down in a comfortable bed with a blanket that covers her body except the head, and Margaret is talking with her. Behind them, a student is observing them.


  • student praise ❤️

    “Margaret brings a refreshing authenticity to her teaching that invites students to bring their full selves to the group, and to the learning experience.”

  • student praise ❤️

    “Margaret’s teachings not only brings a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to the learning experience of cranialsacral therapy, but also a beautiful grounded presence of her innate knowing of this work.”

  • student praise ❤️

    “Margaret is the ‘real deal’. If you are even considering enrolling in the School of Inner Health, jump on it. You won’t regret it!”

  • student praise ❤️

    “If you are tired of mundane teaching, come join Margaret for an ‘alive’ learning experience.”