“We’re remembering, not learning.
We’re learning how to be present for the remembering.”
~ Margaret Rosenau
Hi, I’m margaret rosenau
I found my life’s work unexpectedly while searching for my own healing. I discovered that we are all able to recognize when something is wrong. Healing happens when we recognize and amplify our inherent Health.
The journey was magical and transformative. The very first time I put my hands on another body in a Biodynamic Craniosacral class, I felt the presence of the aliveness in the body and its ability to communicate. I walked out a different person than when I walked in. I didn’t choose my work – I fell in love with it, deeply, totally, profoundly.
I see my job as helping you to remember what you already know innately – about yourself, your body, other people and the world. You will be challenged to look at your life and the world differently. The material I teach is not simple, yet I share what I know in straightforward ways that inspire and give people a new depth of understanding. I love to teach from a place of depth and breadth – to bring the big picture into the specific moment and relate a specific experience to larger contexts. That for me is the magic of Biodynamics – the ability to see the whole while relating to the details.
Today I recognize that every moment I have lived, whether filled with challenge, grace, laughter or loss, is relevant to what I have to give. I no longer want to change any of it. I teach from this place of acceptance and over 20 years of experience with the material. I work every day to build the School of Inner Health into a training center for teachers and students alike – a place where each person can find their way to make their mark on the world.
OUR educational Approach
The School of Inner Health is a holistic educational organization focused on professional training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and nervous system dynamics. Our mission is to empower professional holistic practitioners to orient to the forces of inherent health in themselves and their clients.
We proudly adhere to the standards of practice and codes of ethics of the Colorado Department of Higher Education Private Occupational School Board, and the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (BCTA/NA).
Margaret Rosenau
MA, RCST®, SEP, APP, BCTA Approved Instructor, Owner/Director, School of Inner Health
Margaret holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sculpture from Wesleyan University and a Master’s Degree in Gerontology from the University of Southern California. She is an approved teacher for the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America, (BCTA-NA) and has completed trainings in several bodywork modalities: Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing®, Pre- and Perinatal Psychology, and Polarity Therapy. She has been seeing individual clients in her private practice since 1997.
In addition to loving her work at the School of Inner Health, Margaret loves being a mom to her daughter Nicole and a therapist for her clients. She loves writing, sewing, traveling, laughing and having her mind blown. She loves walking along the ocean, falling asleep in the sun, jumping in ice cold lakes, the Rocky Mountains and the red rock deserts in Utah.
RCST®, LMT, BCTA Approved Instructor
From a natural inclination in childhood, Vanessa embarked on the study of healing arts in 1978 at the age of 17. After a few years of private practice, she trained to become a teacher of Jin Shin Do Acupressure. She continued to study, develop and teach many other forms of healing arts, primarily acupressure, acupressure massage, prenatal and infant massage, connective tissue work, and Reiki. In 2007 she discovered Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy and became a certified practitioner in 2012. To deepen her learning, in 2013, she began Teacher Assisting and is currently completing the final requirements to become a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy instructor. Through these experiences, Vanessa has learned to listen on many levels in order to dynamically support her clients in becoming more conscious of their bodies, emotions and natural ability to heal.
EMILY martin
RCST®, LMT, CFT, Instructor
Emily Martin has been in private practice in Colorado Springs, Colorado since 2004. Beginning her career as a massage therapist and birth doula, she completed her Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy studies in 2014, where her heart for supporting birthing families and infants has continued to grow. She currently offers Craniosacral Therapy to people of all ages and teaches a Tummy Time! Method class for babies and their parents.
Since continuing her studies across multiple modalities, she has witnessed the impact CST can have for improved birth, recovery and breastfeeding outcomes. Her combined training includes training with John Chitty and Mia Kalef, and trauma resolution modalities with Diane Poole Heller. She draws on her experiences as a childbirth educator and breastfeeding counselor. She is excited to see the culmination of her knowledge come together and honored to be a School of Inner Health guest instructor for her course on Working with Babies in the Cranial Field.
RCST®, SEP, RPP, Teaching Assistant
RCST®, CBIS, Teaching Assistant
Duncan came to this work through her own healing experience. She has had several auto accidents that caused neck, back, and brain injuries. Following those accidents, Cathy received craniosacral therapy that helped to save her life. She followed her inner spiritual guidance to pursue craniosacral therapy as a practice and to offer it to others. She is honored to work with people of all ages to assist them in accessing their own innate healing ability.
Duncan graduated as a Certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist from the School of Inner Health in early 2022. She is registered with the Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America. She has also earned certification as a Brain Injury Specialist from the Brain Injury Association of America. She has been practicing brain integration therapy for over 20 years and has decades of experience working with people with disabilities.
cathy jones
RCST®, BCST, LMT, Teaching Assistant
Cathy earned her Massage Therapy Certification in 1998, and went into private practice. She had many sessions where she felt called to just slow down, or stop in one area and wait. Doing this felt like listening to herself and it always seemed to help her clients settle more deeply. At some point, a client had a spontaneous release in her forehead during a session and Cathy was guided to check out Craniosacral… She has not looked back since! Cathy earned her BCST Certification in 2003 from John & Anna Chitty. Cathy and Margaret Rosenau were in the same class and then had the privilege of Teacher Assisting together for the Chittys for another 2-year cohort. After that, Cathy received training in Pre- and Perinatal work, and has worked with all kinds of people, young and old. Cathy is continually amazed at how well CST reduces pain and helps the body to reorganize. She is even more deeply touched by the relational field we create in BCST that allows us to drop into much deeper connection to our clients. She says, “It feels perfect to have come full circle, and be here now Teacher Assisting for my dear friend and colleague, Margaret. I appreciate the passion, connection, and sense of safety that she creates! And, I love deepening my relationship to This Dynamic Beautiful Work that doesn’t feel like WORK at all!”
jessica senecal
Teaching Assistant
sarah perry
RCST®, Reiki Master, Teaching Assistant
Sarah was born and raised in Hawaii, on the island of Oahu. She is of Asian, Caucasian and Native American descent. Before moving to Colorado and becoming a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist, she taught third grade in Seattle for many years. In 2016, as Sarah was searching for a way to help her young daughter with anxiety, depression and paranormal experiences, she became curious about Reiki and had her first reiki energy healing session. She was stunned at how powerful that experience was, which spurred her to become a reiki master and to seek out other modalities of energy healing. Sarah followed her curiosity and intuition and was led to study Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy at the School of Inner Health with Margaret and Vanessa. Early on in her studies, she felt strongly like this sacred work was her life’s calling, and a way to honor her ancestors. She graduated in March of 2022 and is humbled and amazed everyday by this work.
LPC, RCST®, School of Inner Health Administrator