courses and programs

Margaret is showing a student at the back who is sitting down a hands-on activity course. In front of Margaret is a student lying down in a bed with a pillow and a blanket. The blanket covered her entire body except the head.

HYbrid Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

$850 (35 CEUs)

This introductory course to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is intended for bodyworkers and mental health professinoals looking to enhance their healing work. It is the equivalent of Module 1 of the full BCST certification training.

Instructor: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor; and Vanessa Lillie, RCST® and approved BCTA instructor

upcoming CLASS DATES

Online May 3-5, 2025 /  On-site June 6-8, 2025

An image of a girl's back and she is holding a rose with a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist certificate.

biodynamic craniosacral therapy certification class of 2027


This 2-year professional practitioner training culminates in a Registered Craniosacral Therapist (RCST®) practitioner status. Students learn to use gentle touch to enhance the functioning of the craniosacral system to facilitate the body’s innate healing processes. 

Instructor: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor; and Vanessa Lillie, RCST® and approved BCTA instructor

upcoming Class Dates

Module 1  Online May 3-5, 2025 /  On-site June 6-8, 2025

Modules 2-9: see the course description

An image with a baby in the front and a mother at the back. They're both lying down.

being with babies
in the CRANIAL fieLD

$800 PER MODULE (‘25-’26)

Being with Babies in the Cranial Field is a three-module advanced biodynamic program for practicing BCST professionals that focuses on hands-on craniosacral therapy with infants.

Instructor:  Emily Martin,  LMT, BCST

upcoming Class Dates

2025-2026 Class- NOW ENROLLING

Module 1 – October 24-26, 2025 OR January 30-February 1, 2026

Module 2 – March 27-29, 2026

Module 3 – May 22-24, 2026

An image of Margaret and her class. She's teaching them about Nervous System Dynamics. The class is sitting comfortably on the carpeted floor.

nervous system dynamics (the dynamics of coherence)

$850 (35 CEUs)

This body-oriented course explores trauma and the Autonomic Nervous System through a Biodynamic lens as a way to re-framing past challenges and building resilience in the ANS.

This course is offered in two separate versions: one for practicing trauma and healing professionals and one for bodyworkers with limited experience with hands-on healing.

Instructor: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor

upcoming Class Dates TBA

Prerequisites apply: please see the detailed course description.

A picture of one of Margaret's student who is lying down on the bed with a pillow, her body covered with a blanket. Margaret is at the top of her head and her hand is beside the head.

Online 1 Day Introduction to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

$250 (7 CEUs)

This 1-day (7 hour) online course is a general introduction to biodynamics and the biodynamic paradigm as applied through craniosacral therapy.

This course is for newcomers as well as practicing bodyworkers and mental health professionals who look to elevate their healing work with clients.   

Instructors: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor; and Vanessa Lillie, RCST®, approved BCTA instructor

UPCOMING class Dates

March 30-31, 2025

October 12-13, 2025

A picture of hands from different people on top of a red cloth. The hand on the center has a drawing of an eye with eyelashes at the back of the base of the thumb.

online 3-day introduction to biodynamic craniosacral therapy

$450 (15 CEUs)

This 3-day (15 hour) online course introduces the foundational theories and basic practitioner skills of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST). Students will learn and experience various aspects of the biodynamic paradigm which is the foundation of this work and all courses taught at the School of Inner Health.  

Instructor: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor; and Vanessa Lillie, RCST®, approved BCTA instructor

UPCOMING class Dates

May 3-5, 2025

This is an image of a baby sleeping peacefully on its side. He's sleeping on a soft, gray blanket.

exploring the resources in Our Early Journey - a Somatic Process workshop


This advanced workshop for Craniosacral Therapists and Somatic practitioners provides a safe opportunity to explore early successes and challenges to develop deep levels of perception and insight in a small setting (4 participants maximum).

Facilitator: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor

UPCOMING workshop dates

March 30-April 2, 2025

April 26-29, 2025

November 3-5, 2025 (3 days, max 3 people)

Prerequisites apply: please see the detailed course description.

A picture of one of Margaret's student who is lying down on the bed with a pillow, her body covered with a blanket. Margaret is at the top of her head, talking to her class, and her hand is beside the head.

biodynamic principles

$390 (21 CEUs)

This 3-day (21 hour) professional development course delves deeply into the theory of Biodynamics. Students will be introduced to the skills that build the perceptual ability to sense underlying life forces as well as how to amplify innate health and capacity.

Instructor: Margaret Rosenau, RCST®, SIH owner and approved BCTA instructor


Please contact the School of Inner Health for more information

What Our Students Are Saying

“Even if you just took the Biodynamic Craniosacral Training for personal growth alone, it would be worth every penny.”

”Margaret generously shares her deep wisdom and knowledge from a grounded and embodied place. She holds a sacred space that allows the students to receive the work in their own, unique way.”

“I met Margaret last fall at the bi-annual BCTA/NA Conference high in the mountains of Colorado. She was one of the amazing speakers at the conference. Her talk was powerful and completely mesmerized me. I thought she was a passionate speaker and a total bad ass! I found her real, a powerhouse of magic and wisdom and super approachable. What a nice combo. What she said at the conference and how she said it resonated deeply with me. I knew I wanted to study with her if I ever got the chance… I am thrilled to be stepping back into the classroom, to be learning from Margaret (and the other incredible teachers - wow!) and the incredible, incredible group of students coming to study and learn!”

Margaret is such an amazing teacher and encapsulated the class with her grounding and centering instruction. The format of the class then began to answer so many questions for me and many that I didn’t even know to ask. I am very grateful this opportunity became available to me and look forward to more in the future.”