layers, fields, and commons / Sophie rieu
Guest post by Sophie Rieu, RCST, on the various aspects of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.
voyage denver interview
Voyage Denver Interview with Margaret Rosenau where she shares her path to this work, her path to owning the School of Inner Health. and what is most important to her.
a biodynamic educational paradigm / margaret rosenau
An exploration of the biodynamic educational program offered at the School of Inner Health.
trusting the Holds / Sophie Rieu, RCST
Guest post by Sophie Rieu, RCST, on the rarely discussed terrain of handholds in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.
the wonder walk of knowing / Sophie Rieu
Guest post by Sophie Rieu, RCST, on feeling clients’ physiological / emotional sensations in her own body during a BCST session.
healing and the inner compass / Johanna Franzel
Guest post by Johanna Franzel, MEd, LMT, BCST, on persistent questions: What does healing even look like? Is it real? Do we know it when we see it? - and answers from a dog.